Some Advantages Of Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is the use of biometrics, such as fingerprints, hand geometry, hand veins, iris, retinal scan, voice, facial thermograph, or ear canal to either identify or verify the identity of a person.

There are advantages of biometric authentication over password identification. In order for a password to be very secure, it should be long and contain less used characters and symbols. You also are not supposed to use the same password for more than one thing or to write down your passwords. Since it is difficult to remember long random passwords without writing them down, especially when these days so many different things need passwords, people end up using less secure passwords or writing them down, thus making it easier for other people to figure out their passwords.

With biometric authentication, there is no need to remember a password, scanning of the biometric data used for the password is all that is required. This makes things much more convenient for users. They don't need to come up with or remember complicated passwords.

And since users frequently don't choose the most secure passwords due the the difficulty involved in coming up with and remembering so many long passwords without writing them down, one of the advantages of biometric authentication is that in the majority of cases it is more secure than using passwords. There are ways to get around biometric authentication systems, but this is usually a bit more difficult for people to do.

Because of the advantages of biometric authentication, a lot of research is being done in this area, and there are a wide variety of companies that are coming up with systems using this technology. These systems work with different types of biometrics, but fingerprints are still one of the most commonly used.

Some countries are even using biometric authentication systems with their national identification cards. One of the advantages of biometric authentication in ID cards is that it is harder to forge them or use stolen ID cards. For example, Brazil, Israel, and Germany all use at least fingerprint data on their national ID cards. Many of these cards include digital information encoded into the card as well as that shown on the card so that they are more tamper resistant.

Given the advantages of biometric authentication, you can expect more and more identification cards to contain at least some sort of biometric authentication in the future. Companies will also be coming out with more products that use this type of technology, including laptops and scanners to be mounted to doors for entrance into secured areas. As this technology becomes more widespread and more developed people will see more of the advantages of biometric authentication and it will become a lot more common around the world.


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